Woman of the Dead is a brand new Austrian suspense thriller series that made its arrival this Thursday, January 5, 2023, exclusively on Netflix. Benito Mueller, Mike Majzen, Benito Mueller, Wolfgang Mueller, Wolfgang Mueller, Nicolai Rohde, Barbara Stepansky and Barbara Stepansky have served as writers for the series, while Nicolai Rohde has directed it.

Woman of the Dead season 1 consists of approximately six 45-minute-long episodes. The official synopsis for the slow-burn mystery series, given by Netflix, reads:

"In a vengeful quest to find out who killed her husband, a woman ends up exposing her small community's deepest and ugliest secrets."

Since the first season of Woman of the Dead made its arrival on Netflix, it has already started to get quite a lot of attention due to its suspensefully woven storyline, stunning backdrop, and hair-raising ending.

Woman of the Dead season 1 ending explained: Did Blum find out who killed her husband Mark?

A still from Woman of the Dead (Image Via Netflix/YouTube)

The suspense thriller series began with the unexpected and suspicious death of Mark, the husband of the series' protagonist, Brunhilde Blum. Although initially, the incident looked like an unfortunate accident, Blum soon realized that Mark was run over by someone intentionally.

When Blum started her dangerous quest to take revenge for her beloved husband's death, many dark secrets began to come to the surface. Through a young woman named Dunja, whom Mark was helping, she found out that a group of sinister men in animal masks were se*ually assaulting and killing women in inhuman ways.

Dunja informed Blum that four men were associated with it and Mark was killed because he found out the truth. As such, one by one, Blum found each of these four men and ended their lives.

All four of these men had artificially carved similar marks on their bodies, which connected them to the group. Her profession as an embalmer helped her cover up the murders quite efficiently.

A still from Woman of the Dead (Image Via Netflix/YouTube)

During this time, she also started an intimate relationship with Mark's best friend Massimo Ricci, who pretended to help her find Mark's killer. However, she was completely unaware that Massimo was also a part of the group that was killing those young women.

At the very end of the movie, when Blum arrived at Massimo's apartment for dinner, she saw the same mark on his body as the four men from the group. She immediately realized that he was one of them and was connected to Mark's death. When she confronted him, he confessed to running over Mark in his car.

Did Blum make it out alive?

A still from Woman of the Dead (Image Via Netflix/YouTube)

While in Massimo's apartment, Blum tried to attack him and escape the place. However, Massimo got the upper hand. He severely injured Blum and took her to the engine room for the ropeways where the group committed all their heinous crimes. His plan was to burn Blum alive along with some other women who were still there.

Reza Shadid, who worked at Blum's funeral home and was a constant support in her quest, found out the truth about Massimo and rushed to save Blum in the engine room.

During the nail-biting final scene, Reza entered the engine room to save Blum's life. However, Massimo got to him and almost killed him, but Blum appeared at the right time with a sharp object and killed Massimo.

A still from Woman of the Dead (Image Via Netflix/YouTube)

Both Reza and Blum made it out alive.

Season 1 of the series ended with another shocking revelation about Blum's parents' death. It was Blum who ended their lives and Mark knew about it and still loved her as she was.

Don't forget to watch Woman of the Dead season 1, which is currently streaming on Netflix.

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