Viktor Hovland created waves in the golfing world after winning the 2023 Tour Championship in spectacular fashion. He has been a professional golfer since 2019 and has won several PGA Tour events until now. However, the FedEx Cup championship is the crown jewel in his arsenal.

Interestingly, Hovland is also known for his different and eccentric gear during golf competitions. This can be credited to his clothing sponsor.

The 25-year-old is a prominent golfer and has many sponsorships in his portfolio. From his clothes to the gear he uses, everything is sponsored by a certain company.

The Tour Championship winner has the most diverse clothing sponsor, J. Lindeberg. It's Hovland's primary sponsor, and most of his clothing is designed by them.

Apparently, Viktor Hovland is known to have a subtle personal style; however, J. Lindeberg has helped him garner massive attention due to their unconventional lifestyle choices.

J. Lindeberg is a Swedish clothing company that designs bright and eye-catching apparel. Hovland has maintained his partnership with the company since 2019, and they are still going strong.

Another company that has sponsored Viktor Hovland is the digital communications technology company called Cisco. The PGA Tour winner was one of the six golfers who were announced as brand ambassadors.

Additionally, he is also sponsored by the luxury watch brands Audemars Piguet, Priceless, E-Z-GO, and Paycom.

PING is the primary gear sponsor for FedEx Cup champion Viktor Hovland

Viktor Hovland is quickly turning out to be an influential golfer due to his newfound fame. The Norwegian golfer has many fans due to his charisma off the field and his skill on the field. Interestingly, many golf fans are eager to find out about his gear and equipment bag.

PING is the primary sponsor for Hovland and supplies him with all his equipment needs. The sports equipment manufacturers have signed a multi-million-dollar deal with the Norwegian. Further, Hovland needs to carry at least 11 clubs of the brand and a staff bag of the same brand due to their meticulous contract.

Last but not least, Hovland also has an apparel sponsor for his footwear needs. Sports brand Nike has sponsored the 25-year-old since he became a professional. His favorite and most used shoe is the Roshe G Tour shoes, which were launched in 2018.

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