Summer time is full of so much potential fun!  But sometimes, it's nice to take a break from the heat, and relax in front of a movie.

Tuscaloosa has two great FREE movie series this summer.

COBB: Kids Summer Movie Escape

When:  EAch Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from June 11th - August 1, 10am

Where:  Cobb Movie Theater

Cost:  FREE

Lineup:  Check it out HERE 

*** Tickets are first come, first serve.  Tickets can be purchase at/after 9:30 am, same day of show.

Green Scenes

When: Each Friday, June 7 - June 28th, 1pm

Where:  Richard A. Curry Jr. complex (3440 Kauloosa Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401)

Cost:  FREE

Lineup:  Friday, June 7: “The Lorax”
Friday, June 14: “Moana”
Friday, June 21: “Zootopia"
Friday, June 28: “Over the Hedge”

Check it out HERE

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